Wendy Oliver


Wendy Oliver purchased Curlewis with Rainer Breit in 1997.

Having studied winemaking with Rainer in Dookie she was responsible for ensuring the vines were well looked after. Many of the relationships Wendy nurtured with customers and restaurants remain to this day, and that’s a reflection of her approach to valuing each person she met.

Wendy often tells a story of meeting a man at a trade show who apologetically said he was just a waiter. Wendy assured him that he was important – he was the person who poured Curlewis wines and could talk to diners about the winery and wines. Some years later he approached the stand at another trade show – assuming Wendy wouldn’t remember him. She did, and he was now the manager of a large and successful bottle shop. It’s in the nature of everyone at Curlewis to welcome people into the winery and talk about wine (often enthusiastically and at length) but it was Wendy who first embodied this in the Curlewis experience. 

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